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Privacy Policy:

We are committed to protecting your privacy. We have prepared this Privacy Policy to describe to you our practices regarding the personal information we collect from users of our application.

We do not retain any payment information when you make purchases or subscribe through our store. All payment processing is handled by LemonSqueezy, and we have no access to your payment details. For more information, please refer to LemonSqueezy's Privacy Policy.

The information we collect and from whom

We collect certain information from our users to ensure our services work well. We solely collect data necessary to use the bot.

We collect data only from those interacting with our application, whether that be running a command or joining a battle.

What data do we collect?

  • Discord user ID
  • Battle history (up to last 5 battles)
  • Date of account creation [first interaction with Rumble Royale]
  • Discord guild, channel & message IDs
  • Command usage and interactions with the bot

How we use your information

The information we store is used for the functionality of the bot. We use the data from our database to store the rewards progression for each user & track game trends.

Discord usernames and discriminators will be displayed in battles, profiles, leaderboards and other features of Rumble Royale, which are publicly visible. We do not store the usernames ourselves, we fetch them from Discord itself each time. Battle history may however still display old usernames.

Guild data is solely used for our battle system. Creating sign-up messages, tracking battles and identifying battle authors all require Discord IDs.

Command usage and interaction with the bot are used solely for audit and support purposes and to prevent abuse. This data is not visible to users and we never share it with anyone.

We do not show, share or sell any of our data to anyone else.

How can I contact Rumble Royale regarding my data

If you wish to delete OR request to see any of your data, feel free to open a support ticket in the official Rumble Royale server [https://rumbleroyale.net/server]. We will permanently delete most data from our database within 7 days of a request. Battle history data may however still contain usernames, cosmetic progression & timestamps.

This Privacy Policy is subject to occasional revision, and we may update this privacy policy from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to our practices or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons. If you have questions and/or require more information, do not hesitate to contact us on Discord [https://rumbleroyale.net/server]

This document was last updated on June 25, 2024